Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Trying to make my blog all fancy yall. The computer isn't really working with me right now, so please be patient while I figure this out :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
What's in a Blog?
Just some thoughts in my head over the last few days concerning this blog (and others like it)
I started this blog to document our days as a family welcoming our new addition, baby B. I initially had the intent of writing about all things baby including his milestones and overall cuteness and to document J's journey as a preschooler. For those who have "followed" me or know me IRL, you know that when J was born, I had a baby site that I updated daily. That was about four, almost five years ago and blogs weren't as widespread and weren't free. But I did a good job at it. It allowed me to share our special moments and pictures with my family and friends far and wide. At the end of two years and tons of updates, I retired the babysite. Before I did that, I managed to print out all the updates and the growth chart that kept track of J for those 24 some odd months. I have saved those posts in PDF form and also have them printed out. I think that's better than any baby book, though the pages are now secured in his book. Anyhow, before I digress too far, I want these pages to be cherished by B just as much. I know it's not a babysite, per se, but it's still about our journey with him. So at the end of the run of this blog, when I feel it is appropriate, I will retire this blog as well and print out the contents for him to have as he grows up. I am hopeful that the mirror it provides for him will be one of great memories and love. So while it's not a chronicle only about B or his milestones, it will be all about him. Does that make sense? At the same time, I am hopeful that J will find these words just as fitting for him as we discuss the growth and development of his life as an awesome little boy.
So what's in this blog? I hope a lot...a lot of love, a lot of life and lot of laughter...for B, for J, for Big J, for my mom, my brother and myself. It's all those things and so much more.
Words from my heart...
I started this blog to document our days as a family welcoming our new addition, baby B. I initially had the intent of writing about all things baby including his milestones and overall cuteness and to document J's journey as a preschooler. For those who have "followed" me or know me IRL, you know that when J was born, I had a baby site that I updated daily. That was about four, almost five years ago and blogs weren't as widespread and weren't free. But I did a good job at it. It allowed me to share our special moments and pictures with my family and friends far and wide. At the end of two years and tons of updates, I retired the babysite. Before I did that, I managed to print out all the updates and the growth chart that kept track of J for those 24 some odd months. I have saved those posts in PDF form and also have them printed out. I think that's better than any baby book, though the pages are now secured in his book. Anyhow, before I digress too far, I want these pages to be cherished by B just as much. I know it's not a babysite, per se, but it's still about our journey with him. So at the end of the run of this blog, when I feel it is appropriate, I will retire this blog as well and print out the contents for him to have as he grows up. I am hopeful that the mirror it provides for him will be one of great memories and love. So while it's not a chronicle only about B or his milestones, it will be all about him. Does that make sense? At the same time, I am hopeful that J will find these words just as fitting for him as we discuss the growth and development of his life as an awesome little boy.
So what's in this blog? I hope a lot...a lot of love, a lot of life and lot of laughter...for B, for J, for Big J, for my mom, my brother and myself. It's all those things and so much more.
Words from my heart...
Friday, January 27, 2012
Fill-In-The-Blanks Friday
1. My favorite place I've ever traveled to is Athens, Greece. I had an amazing time there with Amina visiting with Sarah and her hubby Mike. The site, the sounds, the FOOD and the people were all amazing. Not to mention the night life...and beach life when we toured the island of Mykonos. And the historical significance wasn't too bad either, a wonderful trip of a lifetime!
2. Egypt is somewhere I'd love to go someday. I want it to be safe first though...but I'd love to see the great pyramids in person one day.
3. I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride or train) by reading or playing on my iPad. Between that and caring for the boys, the time goes by pretty quickly.
4. My three must-haves when I travel are my phone, my ipad and my boys.
5. My favorite travel companion is well, more than one...I love traveling with J and B and making sure they are exposed and see different places and cultures (even though they are probably too young right now to remember it all)
6. The craziest thing that ever happened to me while traveling was hmmmm, I have no idea...A few missed flights here and there, crazy lines at customs, random celebrity sitings. Nothing that excitingly crazy.
7. The most exotic food I've ever tried while traveling was probably something in Greece. Though I love shrimp, when they brought out the platter of shrimp with their full faces and eyeballs on, I had to do a double take. But hey, it was tasty!
8. If I could live anywhere else, I'd in New Orleans, love the food and the culture!
9. I have been to probably around 20 states in the U.S. I need to count one day.
2. Egypt is somewhere I'd love to go someday. I want it to be safe first though...but I'd love to see the great pyramids in person one day.
3. I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride or train) by reading or playing on my iPad. Between that and caring for the boys, the time goes by pretty quickly.
4. My three must-haves when I travel are my phone, my ipad and my boys.
5. My favorite travel companion is well, more than one...I love traveling with J and B and making sure they are exposed and see different places and cultures (even though they are probably too young right now to remember it all)
6. The craziest thing that ever happened to me while traveling was hmmmm, I have no idea...A few missed flights here and there, crazy lines at customs, random celebrity sitings. Nothing that excitingly crazy.
7. The most exotic food I've ever tried while traveling was probably something in Greece. Though I love shrimp, when they brought out the platter of shrimp with their full faces and eyeballs on, I had to do a double take. But hey, it was tasty!
8. If I could live anywhere else, I'd in New Orleans, love the food and the culture!
9. I have been to probably around 20 states in the U.S. I need to count one day.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Circle of Life
Today I am reminded about how fragile life is and how sometimes it just doesn't make any sense. I have talked before about loosing my father almost two years ago and some days I still can't come to grips with that. Then yesterday, one of my best friends suddenly lost her dad too. Just like that, life is changed for her forever and it will never be the same. My heart aches for her, but more than that, it aches for her two young daughters. Some days, the hardest part of loosing my dad is that J misses his Pawpaw and that B will never know him. That rips my heart out. And then I just know that my dad would love nothing more than to sit in his recliner and talk to B for hours on end. Yep, B would be spoiled by him beyond measure. But alas, he was cheated of that opportunity and it sucks. I know all the "PC" things that my dad is here with us, he's watching over us and all that, but it's not the same and it doesn't make me feel better. Just like for my friend...there's no words that can ease what she's going through and nothing that makes it okay. I know that all too well. So that can leave you asking what's the point of it all. And really, all we can do is live the best that we can and love each other to the fullest. My dad and her dad were among the best men around. I was blessed to have my dad and blessed to have her dad in my life as well. I just wish we had more time...especially more time for our children to know and cherish these men as much as we do!
Here's the article about her dad
And a quick google search of my dad only gives you a glimpse of the great man he was. (SN: he is the "Jr." my brother is the other great man in some of the articles)
Man, my heart is sick right now :(
Here's the article about her dad
And a quick google search of my dad only gives you a glimpse of the great man he was. (SN: he is the "Jr." my brother is the other great man in some of the articles)
Man, my heart is sick right now :(
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Balance of it All
Some days I struggle to find balance in everything. Especially now that I am back at work, I find it increasingly more and more interesting to walk the line between doing it all and realizing that I can't do it all. Last night as I was cooking dinner with one hand, had B in tow in the other arm, picked up a towel off the floor with my foot and got J dinner from the microwave with my teeth (yall didn't know I was that talented, right), I just had to stop and laugh at myself. Overachiever at heart I guess. So I had to take a moment, assess the situation and talk to myself. Self, you can't do all this at once and continue to be fully present (my resolution yall). So I quit...I took dinner from the oven and moved it to the refrigerator. I grabbed a snack for myself since J was more than happy with his noodles and sandwich (his nightly request for dinner) and I SAT DOWN...Though only for ten minutes, I took a break. Then of course, the madness that is our bath and bedtime ritual ensued, but still I took a break to breathe and collect myself. And that breather was good for me and for the boys. I don't want to be the mom who rushes through the day checking items off the list just to get done and move on to the next thing. I find myself hurrying J along to move faster, do things quicker and in his own way, he's just trying to go through the process and he should have the freedom to do that. I shouldn't have to make him move faster or encourage B to drink his bottle quicker so I can move on to the next thing. I just need to take a deep breath, even if that means I start dinner tonight with half cooked food from yesterday...it'll still be good when we get to it!
So we enjoyed the rest of our night. Bath time with the boys is one of my favorite times. J shares the tub with B and I put B's baby tub across the big tub. So while J is in the big tub, B is in his baby tub that spans the with of the tub (I'll have to post a pic one day so yall understand what I am saying). Anyhow, it works. It gives the brothers time to bond and enjoy some quiet time together and it let's me get them both in and out at once. I know I said B loves his baths, but yall, he LOVES his baths. He kicks and slides all around the tub and it's just funny. It reminds me of when J was little except that J was a kicking machine. Once he learned that he could splash, J would have water EVERYWHERE...he even managed to get my hair wet. B hasn't gotten to that point yet, thank goodness.
Today was spring and class pic day for J. I hope he smiles big time. We have so many pics of the kid...what do I need with more? I can't resist! And even B has more pics that a normal person would in a lifetime. Memories...
Well, I think that's it for today. Taking a deep breath and tackling the rest of the day!
So we enjoyed the rest of our night. Bath time with the boys is one of my favorite times. J shares the tub with B and I put B's baby tub across the big tub. So while J is in the big tub, B is in his baby tub that spans the with of the tub (I'll have to post a pic one day so yall understand what I am saying). Anyhow, it works. It gives the brothers time to bond and enjoy some quiet time together and it let's me get them both in and out at once. I know I said B loves his baths, but yall, he LOVES his baths. He kicks and slides all around the tub and it's just funny. It reminds me of when J was little except that J was a kicking machine. Once he learned that he could splash, J would have water EVERYWHERE...he even managed to get my hair wet. B hasn't gotten to that point yet, thank goodness.
Today was spring and class pic day for J. I hope he smiles big time. We have so many pics of the kid...what do I need with more? I can't resist! And even B has more pics that a normal person would in a lifetime. Memories...
Well, I think that's it for today. Taking a deep breath and tackling the rest of the day!
Monday, January 23, 2012
We Love Kurlylicious
Hop on over to my friend's blog to check out some pics from her trip to our area.
We had a great time visiting with her and hope she comes back REALLY soon, for good (LOL).
The boys make their blog appearance on her blog
Click the link and enjoy :)
We had a great time visiting with her and hope she comes back REALLY soon, for good (LOL).
The boys make their blog appearance on her blog
Click the link and enjoy :)
For the Kids?
Hello all. We hope you had a great weekend...it's back to reality for us and we are on the grind...Monday=Fun Day...YEAH RIGHT!
Anyhow, our weekend was great, filled with family time. It's a rare occurrence that big J has both Saturday and Sunday off, so we all hung out.
Saturday, we went to the Gasparilla children's parade. It's the area's version of Mardi Gras so to speak, though we know that it doesn't even come close. Anyhow, the boys had a good time. J got some great throws and even caught a football from one of the floats. He was more excited about his corn dog and cotton candy though. B took in all the action before falling asleep in his favorite place, the baby Bjorn (thank God for that thing).
One thing that struck me about the parade though I will never understand. As J was trying to get a closer look at the floats and the action, several "adults" were telling him to go to the back since they had been there since 9am to reserve a spot at the parade. Um, really, excuse me!!!??!?!? So when did I miss the memo that a child can't stand in an open spot on the grass at a parade as an observer? WTH? In an effort to keep the peace, we walked away and moved several times since those who came and decided to get boozed up all day before the "kids'" fun were too blitz to realize the stupidity in their actions. I am thankful that my sons know the value in people and the value in fun. J doesn't let much bother him at all and I am thankful for that. So despite that foolishness, we had a good outing. Those folks were just lucky that things remained civil. After a warning from law enforcement in their direction, it was amazing how things calmed down...
Yesterday was another day to lament the Saints loss as I know they would have made it to the super bowl...oh well, next year boys...
We've got a couple of things shaking on the horizon that I hope to blog about in the very near future. Just keep your fingers crossed for us as we continue to make moves and navigate the world of parenthood.
Now that my qui is balanced and I am back in my zen mood (thanks Christina), let me get back to work...Chat with you guys later. Feel free to leave me a comment to let me know you're out there in cyberspace :)
Anyhow, our weekend was great, filled with family time. It's a rare occurrence that big J has both Saturday and Sunday off, so we all hung out.
Saturday, we went to the Gasparilla children's parade. It's the area's version of Mardi Gras so to speak, though we know that it doesn't even come close. Anyhow, the boys had a good time. J got some great throws and even caught a football from one of the floats. He was more excited about his corn dog and cotton candy though. B took in all the action before falling asleep in his favorite place, the baby Bjorn (thank God for that thing).
One thing that struck me about the parade though I will never understand. As J was trying to get a closer look at the floats and the action, several "adults" were telling him to go to the back since they had been there since 9am to reserve a spot at the parade. Um, really, excuse me!!!??!?!? So when did I miss the memo that a child can't stand in an open spot on the grass at a parade as an observer? WTH? In an effort to keep the peace, we walked away and moved several times since those who came and decided to get boozed up all day before the "kids'" fun were too blitz to realize the stupidity in their actions. I am thankful that my sons know the value in people and the value in fun. J doesn't let much bother him at all and I am thankful for that. So despite that foolishness, we had a good outing. Those folks were just lucky that things remained civil. After a warning from law enforcement in their direction, it was amazing how things calmed down...
Yesterday was another day to lament the Saints loss as I know they would have made it to the super bowl...oh well, next year boys...
We've got a couple of things shaking on the horizon that I hope to blog about in the very near future. Just keep your fingers crossed for us as we continue to make moves and navigate the world of parenthood.
Now that my qui is balanced and I am back in my zen mood (thanks Christina), let me get back to work...Chat with you guys later. Feel free to leave me a comment to let me know you're out there in cyberspace :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Good Morning...In the Afternoon
Okay, so it only took me six hours since this am to finally have this video post. The point of it was to say good morning, but now, hey good morning--good afternoon--good night--and good weekend.
We shall talk to you next week :)
Enjoy the video. My lil man is so proud of his song!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Getting my feet wet?
Yeah, well, not so much here...try jumping in with all my clothes on at the deep end of the pool...That's the analogy for how it's been getting back to work. I guess the idealistic part of me thought that I would have a few days to unpack these (numerous) boxes left over from fall events, clean my desk, sort through (too many) emails and return voicemails for a few days before the madness resumed, but yeah, not so much. Not at all...not even a little bit. I guess the work never stopped while I was gone and I appreciate all the support I received while I was out. My co-workers covered my events well and everything got done, so for that, I am grateful. But DAMN, do I have to be innundated with so many conference calls right now? Okay, so I know the budget reforecast is due, but I can't remember if I brushed my GD teeth this morning, so how do you expect me to know why I budgeted for office supplies the way that I did? Hell, that was back in July...Geez...I guess I should insert the qualifier here about ranting about work when I should be thankful for having a job and all that other BS. Of course, I am grateful for the job and for the three and a half months away that it allowed me to spend with my family...but yeah, so I guess I just wanted to come back and maintain a little of my sanity by dipping one toe in the pool at a time. Oh well.
At least the boys are doing well and adjusting fine. J hasn't missed a beat in school and since yall have sent tips and commenced to praying for him, the boy has only had positive reports in school #prayerworks! B is being loved on during the day and I am getting awesome text messages and pictures throughout the day that put me at ease a bit. Yes, just a bit, yall know moms always worry regardless. I am thankful that I don't have to work and worry (too much) about them. I don't know how I would handle that.
So yeah, that's where I am today. Lunch meeting and more conference calls on tap. Yay me! (sarcasm yall...)
At least the boys are doing well and adjusting fine. J hasn't missed a beat in school and since yall have sent tips and commenced to praying for him, the boy has only had positive reports in school #prayerworks! B is being loved on during the day and I am getting awesome text messages and pictures throughout the day that put me at ease a bit. Yes, just a bit, yall know moms always worry regardless. I am thankful that I don't have to work and worry (too much) about them. I don't know how I would handle that.
So yeah, that's where I am today. Lunch meeting and more conference calls on tap. Yay me! (sarcasm yall...)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Don't you hate when you can't remember things??? Well, ideas for my blog posts hit me at random times during the day (SN: gotta start taking notes). I had my post for today all mapped out and alas, at the computer and can't for the life of me remember what I was going to write...Oh well...I guess this'll just be a quick hit until I remember.
B did well at the sitter/my friend's house yesterday on day one. He was a good baby and they agreed to have him back :). From all reports, he was pleasant for them and only got a little fussy when he was sleeping. He had so much fun that he celebrated by taking a three hour nap when we got home! Whew....So despite the fact that I wanted to get some mom time in with my little one, I did enjoy his sleeping so I could wash, clean and cook dinner. We got lots and lots of baby snuggles when he woke up, took his bath and played before bed.
And J is officially trying to be a true big boy. He waited in the car circle at school yesterday with my friend's daughter and got picked up and went home with them. We usually go to his classroom to pick him up before school is dismissed...Oh my baby! Next, he will be riding the bus (which he would LOVE if mommy let him do it...um, NO--well, not yet)...
So that's it for now. Off to list some stuff on Craig's List and do some work.
Later dolls and dudes :)
B did well at the sitter/my friend's house yesterday on day one. He was a good baby and they agreed to have him back :). From all reports, he was pleasant for them and only got a little fussy when he was sleeping. He had so much fun that he celebrated by taking a three hour nap when we got home! Whew....So despite the fact that I wanted to get some mom time in with my little one, I did enjoy his sleeping so I could wash, clean and cook dinner. We got lots and lots of baby snuggles when he woke up, took his bath and played before bed.
And J is officially trying to be a true big boy. He waited in the car circle at school yesterday with my friend's daughter and got picked up and went home with them. We usually go to his classroom to pick him up before school is dismissed...Oh my baby! Next, he will be riding the bus (which he would LOVE if mommy let him do it...um, NO--well, not yet)...
So that's it for now. Off to list some stuff on Craig's List and do some work.
Later dolls and dudes :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Back At It
...And I don't really know how to feel...So yes, today is day one back at work. It seems like it's been a long and short three+ months at home with my three guys. I never thought I could be the stay-at-home mom type and I still don't, so I guess I am conflicted.
I don't really want to be here. I miss the days when I used to LOVE my job...When I looked forward to coming into the office every day and making an impact...Now, it's more like I go through the motions (still doing a great job along the way) just to get my paycheck. The job is more a means to an end right now rather than something I enjoy doing. So part of me doesn't feel like it's worth it to be away from my baby and being at home doing my best to keep the household in order for all three of my boys. Should I feel guilty about that?
Then the rational side of me tells me that I need to have a paycheck and by being here, I am taking care of them more than anything else. Don't get me wrong--the adult interaction and use of my brain is welcomed, but yeah, I am over it already (SN: I have only been here for 17 minutes...long day ahead). So to get started, this week, I am only here for two days this week and then from there, I will be in the office three days a week. I get a ton done in my limited time, probably more than all my co-workers, so I am not worried about my work suffering...I am more focused on my family.
I am very lucky to have found some wonderful sitters for J when he was younger (thanks Cheryl and Carisa). I can't imagine having the in daycare when they are so young. And I am lucky that baby B is in the capable hands of my friend/hairdresser and her husband while I am away. They have three adorable little girls (ages 7, 4 and 17 months), so they are experts in my book. So if you know me, you know that I can be very Type A, so yeah, we went over to their house over the weekend to put B's set up together. I brought over a pack-and-play and a swing and a plastic tub with all his essentials so that we only have to bring the baby and bottles every day. And yeah, as only I can do, I had my two pages of typed out notes for him as well as a baby journal so they can fill out notes about his day (ie when did he eat and how much? How many soiled diapers? Overall mood, etc). So thankfully they didn't get offended and laughed it off, but yeah, um, I hope they fill it out, LOL.
Okay, so back to this line up of conference calls today...Welcome back to me, right...
I don't really want to be here. I miss the days when I used to LOVE my job...When I looked forward to coming into the office every day and making an impact...Now, it's more like I go through the motions (still doing a great job along the way) just to get my paycheck. The job is more a means to an end right now rather than something I enjoy doing. So part of me doesn't feel like it's worth it to be away from my baby and being at home doing my best to keep the household in order for all three of my boys. Should I feel guilty about that?
Then the rational side of me tells me that I need to have a paycheck and by being here, I am taking care of them more than anything else. Don't get me wrong--the adult interaction and use of my brain is welcomed, but yeah, I am over it already (SN: I have only been here for 17 minutes...long day ahead). So to get started, this week, I am only here for two days this week and then from there, I will be in the office three days a week. I get a ton done in my limited time, probably more than all my co-workers, so I am not worried about my work suffering...I am more focused on my family.
I am very lucky to have found some wonderful sitters for J when he was younger (thanks Cheryl and Carisa). I can't imagine having the in daycare when they are so young. And I am lucky that baby B is in the capable hands of my friend/hairdresser and her husband while I am away. They have three adorable little girls (ages 7, 4 and 17 months), so they are experts in my book. So if you know me, you know that I can be very Type A, so yeah, we went over to their house over the weekend to put B's set up together. I brought over a pack-and-play and a swing and a plastic tub with all his essentials so that we only have to bring the baby and bottles every day. And yeah, as only I can do, I had my two pages of typed out notes for him as well as a baby journal so they can fill out notes about his day (ie when did he eat and how much? How many soiled diapers? Overall mood, etc). So thankfully they didn't get offended and laughed it off, but yeah, um, I hope they fill it out, LOL.
Okay, so back to this line up of conference calls today...Welcome back to me, right...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
On Getting Out
Sometimes it's hard being far away from home yall. All the people we know and love and our closest friends are at least 8 hours away by car. Thankfully, we get home to visit or have folks come to see us every so often. That keeps me sane until the times when I can reconnect with those who truly know me...I think we underestimate how important that connection is sometimes.
Anyhow, I have a habit of even staying in and not doing much outside of our normal activities (and the mall...and the beach during the spring and summer) and not discovering the stuff around us. I make no apologies in saying that this place isn't among my favorite places to live and we are looking for a one way ticket to have our family relocate, but in the meantime, I am trying to have a different perspective about it all.
Now granted, it is HARD to up and get out with a preschooler and an infant. I mean, some days, I do all I can do just to get them dressed and make it out the door.
Where am I going with all this?
Well, one of my beautiful friends was in town for work. Rarely do people remember we are here and reach out to us when they are in the area, so I was blessed to hear from her. And when I say she got out and taught me some things about MY city...How awesome. I know she would probably say that I talked too much (sorry, girl, just hard when you don't have adult interaction that much) but she put up with me and we had a great time doing one of my favorite things...shopping at the outlet mall :). The boys were actually good for the most part and baby B did much better with the car ride (with only a short bout of crying on the way back--did I mention that I have mastered driving with one hand while reaching in the back seat and feeding him his bottle with the other???). I won't mention that I have been in the area for three years and have never been to said outlet mall (shame on me)...Anyhow, we had a great visit and it was just good to be in the company of someone with whom I have a connection. We share a lot in that both of our fathers passed away within a few months of each other, so we know that pain and isolation like few others do (#daddy'sgirlsunite)...So thank you friend...For thinking of us...For loving on my boys...For the SHOPPING...For the great conversation...For listening...For understanding...For reminding me that I have to get out and keep moving!
We have a long weekend ahead of us...So we will GET out and do something else fun :). Enjoy your weekends. We love yall!~
Anyhow, I have a habit of even staying in and not doing much outside of our normal activities (and the mall...and the beach during the spring and summer) and not discovering the stuff around us. I make no apologies in saying that this place isn't among my favorite places to live and we are looking for a one way ticket to have our family relocate, but in the meantime, I am trying to have a different perspective about it all.
Now granted, it is HARD to up and get out with a preschooler and an infant. I mean, some days, I do all I can do just to get them dressed and make it out the door.
Where am I going with all this?
Well, one of my beautiful friends was in town for work. Rarely do people remember we are here and reach out to us when they are in the area, so I was blessed to hear from her. And when I say she got out and taught me some things about MY city...How awesome. I know she would probably say that I talked too much (sorry, girl, just hard when you don't have adult interaction that much) but she put up with me and we had a great time doing one of my favorite things...shopping at the outlet mall :). The boys were actually good for the most part and baby B did much better with the car ride (with only a short bout of crying on the way back--did I mention that I have mastered driving with one hand while reaching in the back seat and feeding him his bottle with the other???). I won't mention that I have been in the area for three years and have never been to said outlet mall (shame on me)...Anyhow, we had a great visit and it was just good to be in the company of someone with whom I have a connection. We share a lot in that both of our fathers passed away within a few months of each other, so we know that pain and isolation like few others do (#daddy'sgirlsunite)...So thank you friend...For thinking of us...For loving on my boys...For the SHOPPING...For the great conversation...For listening...For understanding...For reminding me that I have to get out and keep moving!
We have a long weekend ahead of us...So we will GET out and do something else fun :). Enjoy your weekends. We love yall!~
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Big Number 3! .... UPDATED
Hey baby boy! You are three months old today!!!! We celebrated in grand style, by putting on your onesie with the "three month" sticker and having a photo shoot. Hopefully one day, you'll look back on all these pictures and marvel at your growth the same way we do each day when we look at you! So what have you been up to these days:
-You don't have an official doctor's appointment this month, so I don't have the official stats, but I think you are around 16 pounds right now. I am going to get you weighed and check you length in the next few day. Regardless of the specifics, you are a big, healthy baby.
-You are getting so very strong. You can hold your head up with the best of em and when you are laying down on your stomach, you can push up fully and look around. You scared me last night when I felt someone looking at me and realized you were peering over the side of your bassinet :)...Speaking of the bassinet, you are almost at the weight limit for it so you may be moving to the big crib soon!
-You are extremely social and I love it. You hold conversations with us and try so hard to get words out. Your little sounds are the best in the world and you respond just like you know exactly what you are trying to say.
-You light up when Joshua comes into the room. You love to see your big brother in action. Now that you are more aware and "talking" to him, Joshua loves all over you. He entertains you in the car and loves to be a helper for you, doing anything from putting your pacifier in your mouth to helping close diapers.
-Bath time still is one of your most favorite times of the day. You laugh and talk and laugh more. Just recently, you realized that if you move your feet, the water splashes up, so you are just a kicking and splashing until you get out the tub.
-You have also discovered your hands. You try your hardest to get your thumb in your mouth all the time. When you can't quite make it in there, you'll settle for putting your entire hand in your mouth and just sucking away. You love playing with your fingers.
-You are eating six ounces of formula every three hours. We tried a few times with rice cereal, but your little tummy doesn't yet like it, so we are sticking to milk. You drink your whole bottle (we just switched from the "baby" bottles to Tommee Tippie bottles and you like them okay) and burp like a champ!
-And wow baby boy, you waited until the eve of your three month birthday to SLEEP. Last night, you went down around 10:30pm and woke up at 4am, ate and went right back to sleep until 8:30am. Yay Brayden :). So mom only had to wake up once and it felt good. Of course, I kept checking on you all night to make sure you were okay, but you slept very well. Let's make sure this is a new pattern, okay? Thanks!
-All the newborn clothes are gone, over and done with. You are now in 3-6 month clothes. You have the cutest little shoes that I can't wait to get you in. Right now, you aren't really a fan of shoes, but you'll get there :)
I think that's about it. We'll transition to mom going back to work here shortly. I know you'll adjust just fine as you are the most easy-going, calm baby (except when you're hungry or sleepy). You love people and they love you! Of course, mom will miss you every second, but I am thankful to have all this time at home to snuggle with you all day and all night. We all love you to pieces.
Happy 3 months B!
***UPDATED*** My unofficial weigh-in for B suggests that he is 18 pounds now!!!! Holy batman boy! I am gonna say that maybe it's a little off, but um, yeah, he is "Beefy" as his Uncle Trey calls him :)
-You don't have an official doctor's appointment this month, so I don't have the official stats, but I think you are around 16 pounds right now. I am going to get you weighed and check you length in the next few day. Regardless of the specifics, you are a big, healthy baby.
-You are getting so very strong. You can hold your head up with the best of em and when you are laying down on your stomach, you can push up fully and look around. You scared me last night when I felt someone looking at me and realized you were peering over the side of your bassinet :)...Speaking of the bassinet, you are almost at the weight limit for it so you may be moving to the big crib soon!
-You are extremely social and I love it. You hold conversations with us and try so hard to get words out. Your little sounds are the best in the world and you respond just like you know exactly what you are trying to say.
-You light up when Joshua comes into the room. You love to see your big brother in action. Now that you are more aware and "talking" to him, Joshua loves all over you. He entertains you in the car and loves to be a helper for you, doing anything from putting your pacifier in your mouth to helping close diapers.
-Bath time still is one of your most favorite times of the day. You laugh and talk and laugh more. Just recently, you realized that if you move your feet, the water splashes up, so you are just a kicking and splashing until you get out the tub.
-You have also discovered your hands. You try your hardest to get your thumb in your mouth all the time. When you can't quite make it in there, you'll settle for putting your entire hand in your mouth and just sucking away. You love playing with your fingers.
-You are eating six ounces of formula every three hours. We tried a few times with rice cereal, but your little tummy doesn't yet like it, so we are sticking to milk. You drink your whole bottle (we just switched from the "baby" bottles to Tommee Tippie bottles and you like them okay) and burp like a champ!
-And wow baby boy, you waited until the eve of your three month birthday to SLEEP. Last night, you went down around 10:30pm and woke up at 4am, ate and went right back to sleep until 8:30am. Yay Brayden :). So mom only had to wake up once and it felt good. Of course, I kept checking on you all night to make sure you were okay, but you slept very well. Let's make sure this is a new pattern, okay? Thanks!
-All the newborn clothes are gone, over and done with. You are now in 3-6 month clothes. You have the cutest little shoes that I can't wait to get you in. Right now, you aren't really a fan of shoes, but you'll get there :)
I think that's about it. We'll transition to mom going back to work here shortly. I know you'll adjust just fine as you are the most easy-going, calm baby (except when you're hungry or sleepy). You love people and they love you! Of course, mom will miss you every second, but I am thankful to have all this time at home to snuggle with you all day and all night. We all love you to pieces.
Happy 3 months B!
***UPDATED*** My unofficial weigh-in for B suggests that he is 18 pounds now!!!! Holy batman boy! I am gonna say that maybe it's a little off, but um, yeah, he is "Beefy" as his Uncle Trey calls him :)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Waiting Room Chatter
Over the past few days, I have found myself in medical waiting rooms for one reason (B or J) or another. As always, I am observing my surroundings, keeping watch on my boys and listening to the communication around me at the same time. Well, today for some reason was different. I wanted to just yell SHUT UP as the same tired chorus of stay-at-home mom chatter was going on around me. (before I go any further, PLEASE do not take this as a negative post about those blessed to stay home with their kids, I admire yall)...Okay, back to my thoughts. As I was listening to the ramblings about who ate what and how many unwanted pounds they had all packed on, I just couldn't relate to them. I mean, well, yes, I am a mom, I have two great boys, I have unwanted pounds, etc, so on the surface, we have a lot in common, but deep down, yeah, well, there must have been something more. And I am not sure what that something is...
As these ladies exchanged labor and delivery stories, I could have chimed in. The thoughts in my head were reeling but the words left me rendered as mute. I just wanted it to stop. It seems as though each person was trying to one up each other, like each person wanted to make their story of labor tougher, their children brighter, their motherhood badge of honor more worthy...and I couldn't take it. I know we each have our journeys that are filled with peaks and valleys. We each have things to be thankful for and things we wish had worked out differently. Yet somehow, sitting among the mindless talk of strangers, I just wanted to transcend the conversations and get the hell out of dodge. So I did what I do--I zoned out and started some personal reflection...
Yes, my boys are the greatest ever. Yes, my c-section was something to contend with. Yes, breastfeeding and engorgement sucked big balls for me. Yes, I work my ass off at home to do what needs to be done...and yes, I could relate to those stories being tossed about with an indiffernt type of pride...and yes, I ignored the talk and really, I could have cared less...
As these ladies exchanged labor and delivery stories, I could have chimed in. The thoughts in my head were reeling but the words left me rendered as mute. I just wanted it to stop. It seems as though each person was trying to one up each other, like each person wanted to make their story of labor tougher, their children brighter, their motherhood badge of honor more worthy...and I couldn't take it. I know we each have our journeys that are filled with peaks and valleys. We each have things to be thankful for and things we wish had worked out differently. Yet somehow, sitting among the mindless talk of strangers, I just wanted to transcend the conversations and get the hell out of dodge. So I did what I do--I zoned out and started some personal reflection...
Yes, my boys are the greatest ever. Yes, my c-section was something to contend with. Yes, breastfeeding and engorgement sucked big balls for me. Yes, I work my ass off at home to do what needs to be done...and yes, I could relate to those stories being tossed about with an indiffernt type of pride...and yes, I ignored the talk and really, I could have cared less...
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Countdown is On
Only a little over a week before I head back to work. I have been very lucky to be able to have over three months at home with B. It's been awesome. J was born in the smack of an event, so he learned early on what life with mom would be like. I was at an event and at work when he was two weeks old (thanks to Mimi's help). So there was not really and leave per se with him. B's arrival came in between events...after my first football game and before my basketball event and bowl game. Because of the timing and extra support, I decided to maximize my leave. So with medical leave, saved vacation time and a few unpaid days, B will be almost 15 weeks before I go back to work. I don't have to tell you how that just doesn't happen for most folks who have to get back to work immediately. So I don't take it for granted. We have great arrangements for B when I return to work that hopefully will work smoothly. I am spending this week getting prepped for the transition. Granted I will only be in the office a few days a week, but those of you who know me IRL know that I want all the details ironed out so that we are ready to roll without incident. I am also trying to figure out what B's schedule is. I think I have a good idea about it, but I have pretty much been letting him dictate his own schedule, so I am not sure how I would write it down for someone else to follow. And alas...
***B is becoming a better sleeper***
Yes, that deserved its own line, LOL. Pretty much he's down by 9:30, wakes between 12:30am and 1am to eat and is right back to sleep. For the past few days, he's stretched out that sleep period until (can you believe it?) between 6am and 7am!!! Wooo hooo :)...then he'll go back to sleep until I am ready to wake him to get J off to school. He's done that two out of the last three nights, so now, I am calling it a new pattern (let's not jinx it). So that's technically only up once a night for mom and I am loving it. Let's hope it continues (and the church said AMEN). Of course, it will be nice when he eliminates that midnight feeding, but yes, I am celebrating this as a victory!
In other news, J is doing well at school and has gotten several wonderful reports. He's amazing to say the least! We are still debating organized sports for him and will probably take the leap sometimes soon. He LOVES his bowling team and is quite the bumper bowler, LOL. We shall see what's next...
And project "fit my clothes" is officially back on! I have a new pilates instructor and a bike, so yes, I am riding a mile to class and taking that butt whipping and riding a mile back home. So far, so good...
Love yall...Have a good Monday :)
***B is becoming a better sleeper***
Yes, that deserved its own line, LOL. Pretty much he's down by 9:30, wakes between 12:30am and 1am to eat and is right back to sleep. For the past few days, he's stretched out that sleep period until (can you believe it?) between 6am and 7am!!! Wooo hooo :)...then he'll go back to sleep until I am ready to wake him to get J off to school. He's done that two out of the last three nights, so now, I am calling it a new pattern (let's not jinx it). So that's technically only up once a night for mom and I am loving it. Let's hope it continues (and the church said AMEN). Of course, it will be nice when he eliminates that midnight feeding, but yes, I am celebrating this as a victory!
In other news, J is doing well at school and has gotten several wonderful reports. He's amazing to say the least! We are still debating organized sports for him and will probably take the leap sometimes soon. He LOVES his bowling team and is quite the bumper bowler, LOL. We shall see what's next...
And project "fit my clothes" is officially back on! I have a new pilates instructor and a bike, so yes, I am riding a mile to class and taking that butt whipping and riding a mile back home. So far, so good...
Love yall...Have a good Monday :)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tomorrow is a New Day
Today I put a (dirty) diaper in the washing machine and a bib in the trash can...It's been that kinda day. Tired much? #Motherhood! Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. Let's try again :)
and goooooooooooooooooo Saints!
and goooooooooooooooooo Saints!
Friday, January 6, 2012
We Need a Resolution?
Something about the turn of another year on the calendar naturally prompts everyone to do their best to pull out their list of intentions for the year that is new. It's a time to reflect on mistakes and successes and a time to focus on what can be done differently and better in the new year. I have never been one to make (or keep) too many resolutions in the past and I don't know that this year will be any different. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sentiment of starting new and fresh, I just don't like the cliche of waiting until January 1st every year to do so. I'd rather make change when change needs to be made. But with that said, six days ago, I did take time to make a promise to myself that in this year, I will more specifically focus on living in the present and being more appreciative for the here and now. It's so super easy to look toward the next transition and put all your time and energy into getting there. In high school, I couldn't wait to graduate and go to college. In college, well, I wanted to just be done. In grad school, I was ready to get away from the snow and start my career. Once I got started at work, I looked for the next promotion and move. Once I became a mom, I looked toward the next milestone for J--sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, etc. So for this year and with my three guys, I just want to be fully present and fully thankful. Of course, there are still goals that I am working toward, I just won't be as consumed with them that I forget to enjoy the blessings in the here and now.
With that, my PRAYER (not resolution) for myself is that my family remain healthy and happy and that I am the best ME for me and for all of them.
I see building the blocks of success for the boys and implanting in them all that they need to raise up and be great and successful in their generation.
So do I need a resolution? I guess in some ways, I have them.
With that, my PRAYER (not resolution) for myself is that my family remain healthy and happy and that I am the best ME for me and for all of them.
I see building the blocks of success for the boys and implanting in them all that they need to raise up and be great and successful in their generation.
So do I need a resolution? I guess in some ways, I have them.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
And We're Back...
As you can tell from my previous (short) post, we are back home and back to reality. Sometimes that leaves very little free time for me and on a rare moment where I can steal away some peace and quiet, I opt for a nap (when I am lucky), but more often than not, I am in fast forward trying to clean the house, do laundry, wash dishes, cook dinner, talk to mom, reply to text messages and brush my teeth all at the same time :). Despite the craziness, it's good to be back home. I will have to admit that it was nice not to have to wash a bottle or prepare formula for eleven days (thanks mom) and it was even more nice (or nicer, which is correct?) to have extra arms to love on baby B and entertain J (thanks Guncle).
Anyhow, baby B, you are 12 weeks old today! It seems like the same chorus line on repeat, but really, um, where did the time go? You are an awesome baby and now you are even more amazing when you smile, talk and laugh with us. You LOVE talking to your big brother and have just recently discovered your hands and the connection between your hands and your mouth. Well, you'll be three months old next week, so I will save the full updates for that time. But yeah, so you have finished your last trimester according to the baby books. You are out and in the world and we wouldn't have it any other way :). I try not to miss a moment of enjoying the time that I spend with you and your brother and I am so grateful that I am still able to enjoy every day with you without the pressure of working right now.
J, you are such a big boy. I was sooooo proud of you this am. You were so super excited to be going back to school that you literally RAN down the hall when I dropped you off to get to your classroom. You are doing so well in school and are the smartest kid in the class (well, of course, I think so, but yeah, so do your teachers!!!). Keep up the good work :)
To recap the holidays and the past week or so (I know this is a bit out of order, but just indulge me)...B, you did super well on your first airline flight. The flight was about an hour and ten minutes and mom, dad and J were so proud of you. You ate upon take off, fell asleep for a little bit, talked to us and refused the bottle when we were descending. I was worried that you would be fussy with your ears and the change in pressure, but you didn't make a sound. I think you're going to be an expert flyer by the time you are four just like your brother!
The boys met lots and lots of family and friends while we were at home. With my grandmother's funeral, they were able to see and meet more family than they would have on a normal holiday visit, so that, of course, was bitter sweet. I am still trying to get over the sadness that my grandmother never got to meet baby B (so don't get me started on the emotions I still have when I think about how much my dad would have adored him...it chips away at my heart each time J asks for his PawPaw as well)...Anyhow, my uncle, aunt and cousins came to visit us and we had a grand time. We also enjoyed time with the boys' paternal grandmother and great aunts. Everyone is amazed with J's growth and the development of his language and capitvated by the new little man in the family.
We brought in the new year separated. Dad had to get back home to work and we stayed behind for a few more days. Nonetheless, we were all grateful and blessed to see the year turn on the calendar. As he usually does, J stayed up with Mimi to see the stroke of midnight and celebrate in his own little way. B and dad brought in the new year in their dreams. Mom hung out with Guncle a little bit and had a good time, but missed being together with everyone. Next year, we know our celebrations will be different as we will all plan to be in one place and start our own traditions!
Well, I think that's all for now. I leave you with one of my favorite pictures of my dudes...(as the little one now awakes for food--BTW, I added a teaspoon of rice cereal to his night bottle for the first time today, let's see how it goes...)
Love yall!
Anyhow, baby B, you are 12 weeks old today! It seems like the same chorus line on repeat, but really, um, where did the time go? You are an awesome baby and now you are even more amazing when you smile, talk and laugh with us. You LOVE talking to your big brother and have just recently discovered your hands and the connection between your hands and your mouth. Well, you'll be three months old next week, so I will save the full updates for that time. But yeah, so you have finished your last trimester according to the baby books. You are out and in the world and we wouldn't have it any other way :). I try not to miss a moment of enjoying the time that I spend with you and your brother and I am so grateful that I am still able to enjoy every day with you without the pressure of working right now.
J, you are such a big boy. I was sooooo proud of you this am. You were so super excited to be going back to school that you literally RAN down the hall when I dropped you off to get to your classroom. You are doing so well in school and are the smartest kid in the class (well, of course, I think so, but yeah, so do your teachers!!!). Keep up the good work :)
To recap the holidays and the past week or so (I know this is a bit out of order, but just indulge me)...B, you did super well on your first airline flight. The flight was about an hour and ten minutes and mom, dad and J were so proud of you. You ate upon take off, fell asleep for a little bit, talked to us and refused the bottle when we were descending. I was worried that you would be fussy with your ears and the change in pressure, but you didn't make a sound. I think you're going to be an expert flyer by the time you are four just like your brother!
The boys met lots and lots of family and friends while we were at home. With my grandmother's funeral, they were able to see and meet more family than they would have on a normal holiday visit, so that, of course, was bitter sweet. I am still trying to get over the sadness that my grandmother never got to meet baby B (so don't get me started on the emotions I still have when I think about how much my dad would have adored him...it chips away at my heart each time J asks for his PawPaw as well)...Anyhow, my uncle, aunt and cousins came to visit us and we had a grand time. We also enjoyed time with the boys' paternal grandmother and great aunts. Everyone is amazed with J's growth and the development of his language and capitvated by the new little man in the family.
We brought in the new year separated. Dad had to get back home to work and we stayed behind for a few more days. Nonetheless, we were all grateful and blessed to see the year turn on the calendar. As he usually does, J stayed up with Mimi to see the stroke of midnight and celebrate in his own little way. B and dad brought in the new year in their dreams. Mom hung out with Guncle a little bit and had a good time, but missed being together with everyone. Next year, we know our celebrations will be different as we will all plan to be in one place and start our own traditions!
Well, I think that's all for now. I leave you with one of my favorite pictures of my dudes...(as the little one now awakes for food--BTW, I added a teaspoon of rice cereal to his night bottle for the first time today, let's see how it goes...)
Love yall!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Well, Maybe Not
I was just logging on to post the lengthy (and I hope interesting) holiday and new year updates, but alas, some little 14 pound being has another idea in mind. So with that, I will try again later... #bloggingtakesabackseat
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