Monday, October 31, 2011

Please Vote for MY COUSIN!

I have the most amazing cousin yall! I mean, really, she's someone that I have always looked up to from afar (like thousands of miles apart). Nonetheless, I remember when her first two books were published and though we got the paperbacks at the house for mom (I was probably too young to be reading them then anyhow), I stole the books and stayed awake at night reading her words. As someone who always loved reading and writing, I marveled at the fact that someone I knew, my cousin, was actually an author--had her words in print in a book! At a time when Af-Am lit was not that relevant in my world, she opened doors to me that I still enjoy today.

Fast forward years later and I am still amazed by this woman. We share the bond of both making the decision to become adoptive single mothers. And I think we'd agree that we have two of the best sons on the planet. So long story short, my cousin has a way of saying (or writing) things like you wouldn't believe. Her words give life to the thoughts we all try to express.

So here it is, she's entered a contest...and we need you to vote. Click the link and submit your vote. It's that easy!!!!

Thanks and goooooooooooooooooo Nef :) (her full blog is at