Friday, February 17, 2012

Four Month Stats

So yes, today was the big weigh in. After taking a few guesses about where B would tip the scale, I would say that I was surprised with his stats. I guess I was thinking he would be larger since we know his growth is off the chart, but alas, he hasn't broken out of the teens yet. All in all, he had a great visit. We saw a new doctor in the practice today because our PCP was booked, but I loved Dr. Black. I kinda feel like a cheater, but I would love for both boys to see her more often. Not only is she very thorough, but her bedside manner is awesome. Not that our regular PCP isn't, but Dr. Black just went the extra mile and spend a great amount of time with me reviewing everything in detail. (and the formula full size samples she gave me may have given her an extra brownie point too) Anyhow, we are following Dr. Sears' delayed vaccination schedule for B. I just can't seem to come to make myself agree with the amount and frequency of vaccines given to infants these days. I think I commented on my position in a previous post, but to summarize, I do agree that the shots are necessary to protect the kids, but I do want to be careful to limit the amount of foreign (indigestible) substances that B is exposed to at a time. So it was one shot and an oral vaccine for us. Then we'll go back in a month to get the other two shots. Dr. Black didn't balk or question when I told her I wanted to space the shots out. She was not only supportive, but gave recommendations on which to do now and which later and provided justifications. Did I mention she may be my new favorite doctor?

Okay, so on with's where B is at four months (18 weeks):

Weight: 18 pounds, 14 ounces (97%)
Height: 25 3/4 inches (87%)
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 inches (97%)

Dr. Black seemed pretty pleased with his progress. Though he's a big boy, he's proportionate and growing at a good rate. (SN: J was about 19 lbs., 14 oz. at 4 months)

Healthy baby. Thank God :)

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